Friday, June 19, 2009

Me? A Bookworm?

Hello everyone! I’m back giving all of you my latest blog after a long time that I did not create my blog in this site. Well, aside from this requirement in our English subject in my College life, I’m also interested to express my ideas, insights and expressions in the given topic to all of us. So come, enjoy and explore the world of my blog site!

I cannot actually say that I’m a totally bookworm. I admit that that I do not read books that much. I usually do watch television or listen music most of the time, especially free time. I just read if it’s very important or if that’s required. But of course I know that reading is very important in our lives. That’s why, that’s one of the habits that I want to implement into myself. It’s because reading has many good benefits to such students like me. Now that I’m on the new chapter of my life, reading is one of the best things that I can do in order to help me in my studies. Aside from gaining knowledge, reading can enhance and improve my mind. It can also aid to my intellectual skills.

Now in my College life, where reading is one of the very important things that we should do as a student, I must be a bookworm. Yes, I really admit, I want to be a bookworm. I want to be a bookworm not just because I need to be like this in College, but it’s because it’s one of the important things that I must learn in life. Through reading, my life can change and be better. Through reading, I can pick up so many lessons in which I can apply into my life. Most of all, through reading I can help and teach others who are also willing to learn so many things like me.

So I admit, even though I’m not really a bookworm, I still really want to be like this. It’s one that I aim in my life. Through this, I can have the key that can open the success I’ve been waiting for to come into my life.

That’s all!

Thanks and may God bless us all!

:-) Dave Eric