Friday, July 3, 2009

Mother Knows Best!

Wow! I was so struck with the story by Ben Carson and Gregg Lewis that I’ve read. That story was given to all of us in the class and was expected for us to read. At first, I was trying to get the gist of the story as I look at the title (by the way, the title of the story is, “A Mother’s Answer”), but it was hard for me to explain directly what it is all about so I started reading it. The title sounds interesting, I thought it was a story about a mother’s greatness, but I was wrong. It does not really talks about it but rather, it has a main point that all of us as sons and daughters will realize more about our dear mothers. It talks about how wonderful our moms are that even though we couldn’t understand her at first but in the end, we will realize that all of her doings is for our sake in reaching the achievements we want to have in life.

In emphasizing the given theme, I want to talk about the wonders of our dear mothers. Every Mother’s Day, I always write a blog in my Multiply site ( and express to each and everyone how lucky are we for having our own mothers. I also express my gratitude to my dear mother for all her sacrifices, concerns, support, care, and love that she continuously gives to me, as her only child. Our dear mothers are one of the two greatest and most precious gifts that God has given to all of us since the first day that we have our lives here on earth. She has a great role in nurturing us as we grow and mature. She always wants the best for us and always performs things that can lead us to the right path of our journey. She is our guide and a great companion in which we can always consult. Whatever happens, she’s always there to guide and help us in order to sustain our needs. She’s always our number one fan who always supports us in every moment of our lives. She always works hard and tries her best for the benefit of the family. Indeed, we should always have the responsibility to always love her with all our hearts. We must always learn to thank her always for all the things she offers to us. We must always respect and obey her to let her feel that the things that she’s working hard for us are appreciated whole-heartedly. As her child, we should show and let her feel these because through all of these things, she’s one of the two best persons that we should be proud of in our lives. Aside from this, let’s not forget also to give gratitude and pay tribute to our dear Mother Mary for She is our most gracious mother given to us by His son, Jesus Christ and the mother of all.

Through these, I’m so thankful to God that I’m so blessed to have my mother. I will return and show to her the love that she always have for me and cherish this with all my heart. I couldn’t ask for more because she’s always present in my life, giving light and courage whatever I may encounter. She’s my inspiration in life because through her, I know that I can be able to soar up high to reach the success that I’m waiting for in my life with the help of her encouragement, support, guidance and love that she always gives to me.

Let’s give all our dear mothers a warm round of applause!

Thanks for reading and may God bless us all!

(o”o) Dave Eric

I also want to share to all of you the blog that I created specially for our dear mothers last Mother’s Day:

Every Mother Deserves A Happy Day!
A Mother's Day Tribute (May 10, 2009)

Happy Mother’s Day to all the great Moms out there! I really thank God so much for giving us this day, a day to pay tribute for all the care and love that our dear mothers have given to us. It’s now the time to reward her by making her day very special and let her feel our great love for her. As her sons and daughters, let’s be grateful to her and make her proud for all the things she have sustain us. Let’s pay tribute to her by being our mother. No matter how simple or elegant our celebration is, what matters most is by thanking her and letting her feel that she is precious to us. Most of all let her give the love that her heart wants to feel from us. Our mothers are always there as to accompany us as we grow up. She sacrifices for our sake in order to be successful in life. She is one of the two most important gifts that God has given to us. All she wants for us is to guide us as we walk the path of our lives. She always raises us up high to reach and touch the sky. She’s one of our two secrets of success in life. Through this, we must realize of how she really loves her in spite of trials. Think that this day is wrapped in a gift in order to give her a delightful surprise, a surprise that will let her feel that she is very special to us, and a surprise that will continuously love her so much! Thank you very much my dear Mom, I love you so much! May God grant all our great Mothers good health always and more blessings to come into their lives. Aside from this, let’s not forget also to give gratitude and pay tribute to our dear Mother Mary! You’re such a wonderful and mother! Take care always! God bless!
(o”o) Dave Eric


ayra-acorin said...

i agree friend..
i also thought that it's a story about how ben's mother did everything for them to live but i was also wrong.. A MOTHER'S ANSWER is such an inspiring and great story. it is also interesting.. by the way, well written dave.. ehehe.. tc..

please view and leave some comments as well at thanks in advance.. :))

Aime Balancar said...

..good day! well written dave..yeah I agree with you..our mother really knows what is best for us! do respect your mom!

please do view and leave some comments at

thank you and God bless!

lei labrador said...

That's right, Dave. :)

Many times, our mothers are left unappreciated... I hope we all learn to thank our mothers (and fathers). ;)

I hope your mom reads your blogs. I am sure she'll be very touched.

Dave Eric said...

* To Ayra:

Yah friend, you're right! You have a point in your blog. As we face our daily lives we must always think positive in order to believe the things that yourself can do! God bless!

Thank you very much for dropping by your site and for appreciating the blog that I created! Thanks!

Take care always!

(o"o) Dave

Dave Eric said...

* To Aime:

Hello Aime! Thanks for visiting and thanks also for sharing your insights about my blog! Thanks for appreciating it too!

Your blog was very well said! Our Moms are always there to nurture us as we grow and mature and guide us always in our lives to help lead us to the right path! Very nice ideas Aime! Keep it up! God bless! (o"o) Dave

Dave Eric said...

* To our lovely and cheesy (hihihi!) teacher, Ma'am Lei:

Hello Ma’am Lei! I’m so glad for your comments in my site! Thank you very much for your appreciation and for your compliments. I just expressed my feelings to all our dear mothers out there and gave them tribute for all the things that she had done for all of us. Yah! I let my mother read this blog and through that she was so touched of how I pay tribute to her love and care that she had given to me in all the times of my life. Thanks once again and may God bless us all! (o”o) Dave Eric