Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Movie Marathon

Well, well, well, this is now my third blog. I couldn’t ever imagine that I have already written thousands or may be millions of words in order to give spice and meanings to the blogs that I’m creating. But through these efforts, I so flattered that I’m appreciated. So in this introduction, I would like to thank all of the people who read and gave compliments to my blogs, especially to Ma’am Lei and my groupmates. Through these, I will be more inspired in sharing my own insights in the given topic.

Movie is a one of a kind drama. It is not just an ordinary drama similar to the novels we commonly watch in the television, but it’s an extraordinary one. Lots of expenses were gathered in order to have a production that will suit the taste of its viewers. A lot of members in the crew are working hard in order to achieve a fantastic and blockbuster production. As much as possible, award-winning, famous, attracting and appealing actors and actresses were starred in order to catch more its viewers. As the technology progresses, not only real people can be the star in the film. Sometimes, animated popular characters or even animals can also have a leading role. Mostly, it is started with trailers shown in the television or posters in the malls in order to persuade people and convince them that they will have a fruitful viewing as they support the film. These trailers sometimes contain some twists that can make people more interested and curious in order convince them more to watch the film. Also, some movies, especially the ones that became a blockbuster, sometimes come up with a sequel as its crew is inspired from the support that they’ve got from people and fans. As much as they do, they decide to give it another part to continue the success they have undergone. Yes, a movie’s popularity and charisma is very important because it is the key in order to make it a big hit.

But in spite of these, do we realize if we can get something valuable in the movies that we’re watching. Yes, you watch a movie because that’s what interests you, but do you ever think that it can lead you either learning a lot of things or giving you a bad influence? Before movies were shown to the public, it is first rated by the MTRCB according to the themes established in the film. It is always done because some movies have themes that are not suitable for young audiences like X-rated movies. A-rated movies stand out the most because themes of this kind of movie may be educational, spiritual or meaningful for family, children and the youth. I hope that as we watch movies, especially to us minors, we should always have someone who is elder to who will somehow serve as a guide in watching a film. That’s why Parental Guidance is always recommended. I hope also that we can always have our own understandings and find values to the themes of the movies that we’re watching. Even though the theme of the movie is somehow negative, we should always have the sense in distinguishing right from wrong.

According to our Humanity teacher, movie is also a form of art. It also expresses creativity and emotions through acting. It may come into different genres like drama (light or heavy), romance, comedy, horror, horror-comedy, fantasy, tragedy, action and a whole lot more. Choosing and having a theme for a movie is very important because that’s what covers it. Its theme is one way also to let you distinguish the type of movie that you’re interested to watch. No matter how different the movies are, what matters most is its form of expression and the interaction and communication it brings with other people.

Talking about me, I’m not really a moviegoer. I just love talking things about it as I share my deeper understandings into it. I just prefer on watching novels or telesersyes in the television rather than going to the movie house and watch blockbuster films. It also come up into my mind that I don’t usually watch movies because it can be shown in the television someday or I can buy my own copy of a DVD. Some reasons also that makes me afraid to watch a movie in cinemas are bomb scare and this recent Influenza A(H1N1) virus. But if watching a movie is really required or if it will be a fruitful one as I go along with my friends, I can do some. What matters for me most is that whether I watch movies in cinemas or in my house, the most important thing that is always present to me is on how it interests me, how I can relate myself into it, and the values that I can pick up from it.

Wow! I think I wrote a marathon of paragraphs which matches to the title! Hahaha! But what matters most is on how I expressed these and how you would react with it. So come and share your comments in this blog that I’ve made. You are free to express also your self about your insights in my blog. Thank you very much to all of you and may God bless us always! Take care! :-)

(o”o) Dave Eri


MauPioquinto said...

nice blog dave!

Dave Eric said...

Thanks Mau! Did you already make your blog? Thanks for visiting my blog site! God bless! (o"o) Dave Eric

Aime Balancar said...

...hello dave! well I have read your entry and it is really so nice...
...Im glad to know your insights about the topic...keep it up..
...pls also visit my blog site.. tnx

Dave Eric said...

Oh sure Aime! Thanks for leaving your comments! Please be a follower also of my site! Thanks! (o"o)