Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Security in Need!

In these times of crisis when in terms in order and unity around the country, we do really need always a tight security in our lives. Bomb scares, terror attacks, unexpected riots and wars are usually the threats to the society. Mostly people became doubtful and uneasy that may lead to chaos around the community. Through these situations, I usually ask my self, when can these scary situations subside? What are the things that people must do in order to attain peace and unity around the whole country?

A hectic security in each part of the country is very important. The government must continuously develop this in order to protect the civilians from any harm that terror attacks can bring. Also, we should be careful in the places we go in order to protect ourselves from any unexpected situations. As much as possible, we should always be at ease in any times that we undergo and feel into our self that we are always safe. Mostly, public and private places provide security guard(s) in order to ensure the safety of each and everyone and also to protect the building or other properties. At these times, I think we should avoid unknown places and as much as possible, we should always ask for a companion so that we can always feel secured wherever we go.

All of us aim for a better security in all the places that we go. Even in our home, no matter where you live, we should always ensure our securities in order to feel safe and be at ease. In going to either public or private places, we should be protective always and avoid going home late. But in these times, I hope that all of us should remember of the only thing that can give solution to these threatening problems around the society. We must always remember to unite and establish peace with one another. No matter how different we are from each other, we should always have respect to our fellows. We should always be one in promoting peace in our country and in the whole world. In promoting what we want, we should do it in a peaceful way in order for us to be secured always. And most of all, we should always pray to God and be one in giving solutions to the problems that our world is facing when in terms to security. If one can reflect from these situations that we’re facing and have dialogue with each other, I think someday we can always be at ease and feel secured always in the times of our lives. As these doubts and threats to security will someday subside and peace will be established, there is a big hope in promoting peace for the benefit of our future.

Always remember, “When dialogue begins, war ends.”

That’s all and I wish each and everyone a secured and peaceful life always! May God grant us protection always in all the times of our life! Take care always!

(o”o) Dave Eric


Dave Eric said...

Hello everyone! Thanks for visiting and reading this blogs! You are free to give your comments and insights! I hope you can be my follower too here in my blog site! Thank you very much! May God bless us all! (o"o) Dave Eric

eushee said...

when dialogue begins, war ends (:

i like it dave (:

i definitely agree with you ^^

nice entry too (:
take care ^^

Aime Balancar said...

Good day Dave!..yeah I definitely agree with you..we do need security for the safetiness of everyone and not just for our city but for our country as well

...nice blog!

Aime Balancar said...

Good day Dave!..yeah I definitely agree with you..we do need security for the safetiness of everyone and not just for our city but for our country as well

...nice blog!

ayra-acorin said...

you're right.
but then we still
have to be alert
and aware in our
own way. as much
as possible, stay
safe and help
build a new
safer society.

Dave Eric said...

Wow! I'm so glad that almost all of you gave a nice comment to my blog! I'm so flattered! Thanks to all of you! Let's continuously express our insights and ideas with all our hearts and minds! May God bless us all! (o"o) Dave Eric

Dave Eric said...

To Eush:

Thanks for your comment Eush! I learned that phrase when we we're Third Year High School! Keep on commenting!

Dave Eric said...

To Aime:

Thanks to you Aime! We really need to move in order to fix up things in the society in order to maintain peace and order. Through this, we can be able to be at ease and secured always!

Dave Eric said...

To Ayra:

Thanks for your heartwarming 2 comments...hihihi! Yah! We also need to protect ourselves and be safe always. I know God is always there to guide and accompany us wherever we go as we put always our faith in him! God bless!