Wednesday, August 5, 2009

A Farewell Goodbye to Our Beloved President Cory Aquino

Now that our beloved Former President Corazon Aquino is now at the side of the Lord, I will really miss her so much. But in spite of that, I continuously give all of my gratitude to her for all of the extraordinary things and legacies that she had done and contributed to the entire Filipino people. She will always remain an inspiration to me and I’ll continuously honor her with all my heart. She will always serve as an instrument of faith and devotion to God in me and I will always remember her and the essences of the achievements she had shared and promoted in the country. Through that, I really give you a warm round of applause and standing ovation for all of what you have done which united and brought back peace to the entire Filipino nation. To our Beloved Former President Corazon C. Aquino, you will always remain alive in our hearts and in our minds as we continuously serve our own loving country, the Philippines.

In this day, we all wore a yellow shirt and wore also a yellow ribbon in joining the entire nation in paying tribute to her. She served as an inspiration to every Filipino people. She became a historical and honorable leader as she brought back the democracy that our country was fighting for. She’s a great leader in which we can be proud of as she reunited all the Filipino people in promoting what all of them aimed before that this country was waiting for. She was a benevolent, caring, kind, understanding and a loving mother to her family. Besides, she’s the mother of democracy here in our country. She’s a very religious leader that inspired each and everyone by the power of her faith and prayers. She accomplished a one of a kind mission that transformed her life from an ordinary housewife and mother to here children into an extraordinary leader who really gave a big impact here in our country. We usually know her as the loving wife of our hero, Benigno “Ninoy” Aquino Sr. and as the mother of the TV Personality Kris Aquino and Senator Noynoy Aquino. She is no other than our beloved, our great and honorable leader who served sincerely and dedicatedly with all her heart the Filipino nation, President Corazon Cojuangco-Aquino. I was so touched as I watched all of the special coverage shown in the Philippine television pay tribute to her great service and love for the Filipino people. As a youth, I’m so proud of her. I really gave gratitude to her in my prayers for all the things that she have done here in our country. Even though I was not yet borne at the time of her administration, I always promise into myself to remember of her Excellencies and follow these with all my heart, being a true Filipino youth for the benefit of our country’s future. She was really a selfless leader who gave her full efforts in the service of the Filipino people. I’m so proud for her accomplishments and achievements that she had done in honor for our country. She has great legacies in which all of us, Filipinos, will never forget. Indeed, what I admired also to President Cory is her value of being a religious and faithful person. That’s what inspired and touched me most. In all the times of her life, God was always her source of strength and courage. She always emphasized the great essence of her faith and devotion to God. She accomplished all of her great responsibilities in the country with the help of God. Through all of the wonderful and meaningful years of her life together with her dear family, they are still one and united in spite of the trials that came to them because of her deep faith in God. Actually, she’s a patron of Our Lady of Fatima that’s why she loves the number 13 because it’s the Feast Day of Our Lady of Fatima. She’s a great instrument of God to all of us in which I will always idolize and will serve as an inspiration for me as a youth. I am so much impressed of what she had done for the country. As I noticed when I watched some of her interviews, speeches, and documentaries before, it seems that she’s still alive. It’s because the essence of what she accomplished and contributed here in the country still remains alive in the hearts and minds of every Filipino people. We all know that her famous color symbol is color Yellow which symbolizes great light that guides our country, and one of the colors also of our National Flag, particularly the stars and the sun. Her “Laban Sign” is also common to all of us with hand sign of letter “L” meaning, to continuously fight for our right to achieve what we must deserve. Songs such as “Bayan Ko” by Mr. Freddie Aguilar and “Magkaisa” by Ms. Virna Lisa really became popular during the times of People Power One that really gave meaningful interpretations about the essence of what our country strove hard for.

All of the speeches given to her during her Necrological Services really touched my heart. I really realized that she’s really the best. I realized that she’s really an honorable and sincere leader, a caring and loving mother, an encouraging and a trustworthy friend whom you can always count on, a benevolent and kind relative, a person that is so much respected for her great care and generosity, and most of all, a religious and faithful instrument of God to all of us. She’s really one good example of a role model here in our country. She showed to the Filipino people the things that she can do at service as she really strove hard at her best. And as the last day came, wherein all of us gave our farewell goodbye to her, I was struck of the solemnity of the Funeral Mass that was offered to her. Aside from that, the Filipino people really showed their great love and gratitude to the late honorable leader in spite of the cloudy and rainy weather. We really all cried here in the house as we watched and listened the entire mass in the television. We were so touched with the speech given by Ms. Kris Aquino, President Aquino’s youngest daughter. Actually, I’m Ms. Kris’ fan since before especially when she hosts game shows that left unforgettable memories in my heart. You’ll notice that as you’ll read my past blogs before as I express my support and appreciation in her game shows. We’re so touched in the way of how she gave her farewell message to her beloved mother. She really emphasized of how their loving mother supported, cared, loved, and prayed for them in all the times of their lives. She mentioned also her gratitude to each of her siblings, Balsy, Pinky, Viel and Sen. Noynoy for all the love and care they have done for their mother and for their family. She mentioned also about her husband, James, her sons Josh and Baby James. She gave gratitude also for her brother-in-laws, niece, nephews, relatives, friends and all their supporters for being together with them facing these hardest times of their lives. Through that inspiring and touching message that she gave, I’m sure that all sons and daughters will love more their dear parents so much and appreciate more the things that they are doing for us. When they carried the body of the late president and went out of the Manila Cathedral where the mass was held, she was given a warm round of applause to honor and salute her. And when the march bringing the body of the late president started to Manila Memorial Park, lots of people gathered in order to see her for the last time show their great gratitude for what she had accomplished in life that marked the history. They want to show their great gratitude to the late president. They sacrificed in the weather in order also to return all of the sacrifices that Former President Cory did for the country. Lots of confetti was showered and balloons were flown with the theme of color yellow. Lots of people shouted her nickname, Cory. Each one gave their own form of salute to give respect to our beloved late president. It seems like the procession before Ninoy, her late husband, will be brought to the final destination and essence of People Power was again repeated and brought back as we look in the similarities of the events happened. It was already around 8:00P.M. when her body reached the final destination together with the coaster where her family rode. I really felt the solemnity of the rites given in honor of her before the whole country will give a farewell goodbye to her. Joined by a good weather, it was really peaceful and earnest together. And as she is now together with her loving husband Ninoy in God’s side in heaven, her family, relatives, friends, supporters, and all of the Filipino people who became a part of her extraordinary life will really miss her so much but at the same time will continuously follow and emphasize her legacies that reunited the Filipino people.

We will really miss you and we really love you so much, Ma’am Cory. The whole country loves you so much!

May your soul rest in peace.

Thank you once again for all the great things you’ve accomplished!

(o”o) Dave Eri

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