Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Experiencing Life in an Extraordinary Way

Hello everyone! I’m back once again to continuously express my insights, thoughts and ideas here in my blog site. I hope you’ll be entertained and be interested about the things that I’ll share to you. Also, I hope you will learn some important lessons in which we can apply into ourselves as we continuously face our daily lives. I know that with the help of God, I can do this in order to make the best out of it.

Well, life is really challenging. We live because we need to accomplish a one of kind mission which is expected for us to perform in an extraordinary way. We live not only to explore the happiness and joys of life but also to encounter a lot of different trials that will mold us in order to become braver and more dignified person. The situations that we encounter in our everyday life are not just simple, but rather these are extraordinary things that will fulfill one’s life in order to live it to the fullest. Well, I encountered a lot of challenging experiences in life before which led me to a type of person that I have right now into myself. As I undergone these things, I experienced difficulties. But in spite of these, what made me proud into myself was that I did not give up and I continued to strive on in order to succeed and overcome these things. What make me strong always are my inspirations that are very special for me. They are my dear parents and relatives who were always ready to guide, encourage and support me in all the things that I undergo in life. Most of all, my greatest inspiration is God Who always remains my source of strength and courage in facing all of the situations in my daily life. As we fulfill our missions in life, we can be able to see its true beauty. What matters most is the way on how we performed our lives as we struggle to reach our dreams and goals in life.

I really encountered a lot of challenging situations in my High School life. I really faced it with all my life, even though tough trials surrounded me which gave me difficulties at first. But in the end, I realized a lot of things which fulfilled me as person and gave me more dignity as I continuously face more challenges as time comes. I am a type of person who is really sanguine and doesn’t like having conflicts in life. In house, we really portray a picture of a happy family. We always show our love for one another and as the only child in the family, I return this love by respecting and honoring my dear parents with all my heart. As I faced my High School life before, especially in my sophomore year, I realized that I was not really ready to face challenges in life. Through that, I did not expect more on those things but rather focused on my academic performances. As I continuously do my best in studies, it seems that some of my classmates were trying to pull me down. It seems to be the start of the challenges that I’m going to encounter. Some of them call me names, and some of them are backbiting. I even wondered before why they are doing these things to me even though I’m not doing something bad at them. I even did not revenge because I know it’s not the right way to approach my feelings to them. Even though I was too much hurt of the things that they’re doing, I remained silent. It seems that these people want to distract and annoy me everyday in order to provoke me. I also approached some people to consult for these matters in taking these kinds of situations. Others said that these people are just envious and mean so I must not let them show that I’m affected. Others said that I must just understand them because maybe they have a personal or attitude problem. Also, others gave me advices about the things that I must do and perform in order to solve this conflict. Even though I still feel the pain at that time, I really tried to seek for the right things that I must really establish into myself in order to do all the best that I can in overcoming these challenges even at a young age. Through these, I realized that in spite of these trials surrounding me in school, there are still many kind-hearted and supportive people who were always ready to lend their sincere concerns to me. I was fulfilled as I made more friendships with other people, not only my schoolmates but also to the other friendly people I met in school. Through that, I developed more into myself the essence of being a friendly person and on socializing with other people. As I continuously those challenges, what I emphasized more was my faith in God. Like what Santino does, I also talk to God and express to Him all of the tough situations I experienced. Through that, I felt comfort into myself. I was really relieved as I realized that no matter what how tough these challenges are, God is always there to guide and accompany me as I continuously strengthen my faith to Him. I really did not lose hope because what I always remember is that God is always by my side. After applying all of these things into myself, I stood out the things that will lead me to the right path. Even though those people still continued to be unpleasant to me, I just prayed for them to help them be enlightened. Instead of showing hatred and anger, I showed dignity and compassion by lending my concerns to the problems of their behavior in my prayers. I prayed to help them to be led in the right path and to forgive them for they do no not know what they are doing. As time passed and as the end of our High School lives came, something developed which satisfied me a lot. As we had our farewell retreat before, those persons who offended asked for my apology. As a response, I accepted it for my heart is always ready to forgive them as long as they are sincere. I was surprised because that was really unexpected for me. Through that, I was so glad and so thankful to God hoping that they’ve learned something from it and expecting that they will not do it anymore to others. After all of the things that I’ve gone through, I ended my High School life successfully, fruitfully and meaningfully bringing all of the unforgettable memories that God wanted me to experience. This will really serve as a great instrument and a guide in facing new chapter in my life.

I’m so thankful to God for that one of a kind experience. Through that, I learned to grow and mature. I really learned a lot values in life in which I will continuously cherish. I’ll apply all of these values as I face my everyday lives. I established a lot of significant things into myself which made others love me the way that I am. Also, I inhabited a deeper essence of strengthening one’s faith which made me closer to God. I realized that in achieving one’s goals and dreams, one must need to undergo a lot of extraordinary experiences in order to learn the true essence of life. In spite of stormy situation, one must remember that there is always a rainbow in the end. Always remember that nothing is impossible unless you believe. If you continuously strive on and choose no to give up, you will really find out how meaningful, fruitful and wonderful life is.

I hope that we learned something in this blog as I shared my experiences to all you.

May God bless us all and always believe in the wonders of life!

Take care!

(o”o) Dave Eric

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