Saturday, October 3, 2009

A Story of Hope, Survivability and Inspiration...

As I witnessed all of the things that our fellows encountered due to typhoon Ondoy, I really felt so sad for them. I can’t take to see our fellow Filipino people encounter a lot of painful experiences in this tragedy. That was really a disaster that passed in our country. But also, in spite of these things, my heart was touched as all of the Filipino people lend their helping hand to each other. Kumbaga, sa pagdating ng anumang pagsubok, nagkaisa tayong lahat upang tulungan ang isa’t-isa. Dahil dito, nangibabaw ang ating pagbabayanihan upang ipakita ang taos-pusong pagmamalasakit sa kapwa. So, as a youth, I performed what I can do in order to help my fellow Filipino people. I know praying for these people really helps, but as I pray I felt what God is trying to say to me as I communicate with Him. I really felt into my heart that I must do something in order to help these people. I decided to donate some relief goods to them through our school as they opened their service, in cooperation with ABS-CBN Zamboanga, to lend a helping hand to other people who are in need. Even though my donations are just six noodles and two cans of sardines, I’m really satisfied as these can help and nourish a lot of people. I admire all of the people who sincerely opened their doors as they lend their service and care for other people in their own ways. I was so glad that this helping hand reached also internationally as OFWs and foreign people showed their concerns also for our fellows. Kumbaga, for me, nakatataba po talaga ng puso ang makatulong sa ating kapwa anuman ang halaga ng iyong ihahandog. For me, it’s not based on the amount or quantity you’re donating, but it’s on how sincerely and whole-heartedly you’re giving it. In other words, it’s your willingness and sincerity. This makes us realizes that we are granted blessings not just for our own sake, but also to share these to others. It’s an extraordinary happening in our country to test all of us in times of crisis, to test how we are concerned with our fellows, to inspire other people of such different stories of hope and survivability and most of all, to learn a lot of things in taking care of our mother nature and to unite as we strengthen our faith to our Almighty God to ask for His help and guidance to protect and save us from these kinds of calamities. So it’s not yet late, no matter who you are and what’s your status in life, this interprets a message to all of us that we are all created equally. So let’s imply the true meaning of Bayanihan and let’s continuously lend a helping hand for each other. May God save and protect us always in all the times of our lives! May God bless us all! (o”o) Dave Eric

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Experiencing Life in an Extraordinary Way

Hello everyone! I’m back once again to continuously express my insights, thoughts and ideas here in my blog site. I hope you’ll be entertained and be interested about the things that I’ll share to you. Also, I hope you will learn some important lessons in which we can apply into ourselves as we continuously face our daily lives. I know that with the help of God, I can do this in order to make the best out of it.

Well, life is really challenging. We live because we need to accomplish a one of kind mission which is expected for us to perform in an extraordinary way. We live not only to explore the happiness and joys of life but also to encounter a lot of different trials that will mold us in order to become braver and more dignified person. The situations that we encounter in our everyday life are not just simple, but rather these are extraordinary things that will fulfill one’s life in order to live it to the fullest. Well, I encountered a lot of challenging experiences in life before which led me to a type of person that I have right now into myself. As I undergone these things, I experienced difficulties. But in spite of these, what made me proud into myself was that I did not give up and I continued to strive on in order to succeed and overcome these things. What make me strong always are my inspirations that are very special for me. They are my dear parents and relatives who were always ready to guide, encourage and support me in all the things that I undergo in life. Most of all, my greatest inspiration is God Who always remains my source of strength and courage in facing all of the situations in my daily life. As we fulfill our missions in life, we can be able to see its true beauty. What matters most is the way on how we performed our lives as we struggle to reach our dreams and goals in life.

I really encountered a lot of challenging situations in my High School life. I really faced it with all my life, even though tough trials surrounded me which gave me difficulties at first. But in the end, I realized a lot of things which fulfilled me as person and gave me more dignity as I continuously face more challenges as time comes. I am a type of person who is really sanguine and doesn’t like having conflicts in life. In house, we really portray a picture of a happy family. We always show our love for one another and as the only child in the family, I return this love by respecting and honoring my dear parents with all my heart. As I faced my High School life before, especially in my sophomore year, I realized that I was not really ready to face challenges in life. Through that, I did not expect more on those things but rather focused on my academic performances. As I continuously do my best in studies, it seems that some of my classmates were trying to pull me down. It seems to be the start of the challenges that I’m going to encounter. Some of them call me names, and some of them are backbiting. I even wondered before why they are doing these things to me even though I’m not doing something bad at them. I even did not revenge because I know it’s not the right way to approach my feelings to them. Even though I was too much hurt of the things that they’re doing, I remained silent. It seems that these people want to distract and annoy me everyday in order to provoke me. I also approached some people to consult for these matters in taking these kinds of situations. Others said that these people are just envious and mean so I must not let them show that I’m affected. Others said that I must just understand them because maybe they have a personal or attitude problem. Also, others gave me advices about the things that I must do and perform in order to solve this conflict. Even though I still feel the pain at that time, I really tried to seek for the right things that I must really establish into myself in order to do all the best that I can in overcoming these challenges even at a young age. Through these, I realized that in spite of these trials surrounding me in school, there are still many kind-hearted and supportive people who were always ready to lend their sincere concerns to me. I was fulfilled as I made more friendships with other people, not only my schoolmates but also to the other friendly people I met in school. Through that, I developed more into myself the essence of being a friendly person and on socializing with other people. As I continuously those challenges, what I emphasized more was my faith in God. Like what Santino does, I also talk to God and express to Him all of the tough situations I experienced. Through that, I felt comfort into myself. I was really relieved as I realized that no matter what how tough these challenges are, God is always there to guide and accompany me as I continuously strengthen my faith to Him. I really did not lose hope because what I always remember is that God is always by my side. After applying all of these things into myself, I stood out the things that will lead me to the right path. Even though those people still continued to be unpleasant to me, I just prayed for them to help them be enlightened. Instead of showing hatred and anger, I showed dignity and compassion by lending my concerns to the problems of their behavior in my prayers. I prayed to help them to be led in the right path and to forgive them for they do no not know what they are doing. As time passed and as the end of our High School lives came, something developed which satisfied me a lot. As we had our farewell retreat before, those persons who offended asked for my apology. As a response, I accepted it for my heart is always ready to forgive them as long as they are sincere. I was surprised because that was really unexpected for me. Through that, I was so glad and so thankful to God hoping that they’ve learned something from it and expecting that they will not do it anymore to others. After all of the things that I’ve gone through, I ended my High School life successfully, fruitfully and meaningfully bringing all of the unforgettable memories that God wanted me to experience. This will really serve as a great instrument and a guide in facing new chapter in my life.

I’m so thankful to God for that one of a kind experience. Through that, I learned to grow and mature. I really learned a lot values in life in which I will continuously cherish. I’ll apply all of these values as I face my everyday lives. I established a lot of significant things into myself which made others love me the way that I am. Also, I inhabited a deeper essence of strengthening one’s faith which made me closer to God. I realized that in achieving one’s goals and dreams, one must need to undergo a lot of extraordinary experiences in order to learn the true essence of life. In spite of stormy situation, one must remember that there is always a rainbow in the end. Always remember that nothing is impossible unless you believe. If you continuously strive on and choose no to give up, you will really find out how meaningful, fruitful and wonderful life is.

I hope that we learned something in this blog as I shared my experiences to all you.

May God bless us all and always believe in the wonders of life!

Take care!

(o”o) Dave Eric

Spiritual Retreat of Senator Noynoy Aquino at the Carmelite Monastery here in Zamboanga City

First of all, I would like to give to you the URLS of the video and photos of this special moment: (Video) and (Photos). That was been a great opportunity to meet the honorable Senator Noynoy Aquino last September 4, 2009 at the Carmelite Monastery in his Spiritual Retreat. Actually, this was what her beloved mother, the late Pres. Cory did also before she ran for presidency which really benefited her a lot and helped her accomplish fruitfully all of her one of a kind missions as President of the country. I really took the chance to take a picture with Sen. Noynoy as I had this special moment to meet one of the honorable Aquino siblings and the only son of the honorable couple who brought back the democracy of our country. The ZamboangueƱo people gathered in order to see him and took the chance to have his autograph or take a picture with him. The media and press also took the opportunity to interview him and ask him some relevant issues in relation to his spiritual retreat in the city and his important decisions to be made. As I met him, I was so glad. Together with Richelle, we’re very excited and delightful when we saw as he went out of the monastery after consulting the Carmelite sisters for very significant advices in his decision-making. I also saw our family best friend, Tita Bren, together with her family, Baby Doll, Ian and Jaja. Actually, Jaja had an autograph of Sen. Noynoy and also took picture with him, like me…hihihi! It was really the right timing that we arrived at the monastery as he was coming out I really took the opportunity to share my encouraging message to him as he will make very important decisions. I said that we will continuously support him and may God guide him always in this big challenge that he is facing. Let’s pray for him for guidance and enlightenment as he will make very important decisions in relation to his candidacy for presidency. A while ago, I really felt the support of the ZamboangueƱo people for him as they really gave their warm welcome to him. Mostly, students and parents from Pillar College, a school near the Carmelite Monastery, were also there to see and show their support to him. But also, after that, we went inside the church and sincerely pray. I hope that with the help of his spiritual retreat here in the city, he will be able to make it through until the time that he will announce his very important, very significant and very relevant decisions as he prioritizes the sake of our country in honor of his parents, Senator Ninoy Aquino and Former President Cory Aquino, in honor also of the entire Aquino family, and in honor for our country, Philippines. I hope that he will be more encouraged and inspired as he encountered this spiritual retreat as God will lead him to right path in making decisions. Let’s continuously pray for him. The video and photos are officially posted here in my site and your comments are freely accepted! May God bless us all! St. Therese of Child Jesus, pray for us. Our Lady of Mount Carmel, pray for us.

(o”o) Dave Eric

Wednesday, August 5, 2009

A Farewell Goodbye to Our Beloved President Cory Aquino

Now that our beloved Former President Corazon Aquino is now at the side of the Lord, I will really miss her so much. But in spite of that, I continuously give all of my gratitude to her for all of the extraordinary things and legacies that she had done and contributed to the entire Filipino people. She will always remain an inspiration to me and I’ll continuously honor her with all my heart. She will always serve as an instrument of faith and devotion to God in me and I will always remember her and the essences of the achievements she had shared and promoted in the country. Through that, I really give you a warm round of applause and standing ovation for all of what you have done which united and brought back peace to the entire Filipino nation. To our Beloved Former President Corazon C. Aquino, you will always remain alive in our hearts and in our minds as we continuously serve our own loving country, the Philippines.

In this day, we all wore a yellow shirt and wore also a yellow ribbon in joining the entire nation in paying tribute to her. She served as an inspiration to every Filipino people. She became a historical and honorable leader as she brought back the democracy that our country was fighting for. She’s a great leader in which we can be proud of as she reunited all the Filipino people in promoting what all of them aimed before that this country was waiting for. She was a benevolent, caring, kind, understanding and a loving mother to her family. Besides, she’s the mother of democracy here in our country. She’s a very religious leader that inspired each and everyone by the power of her faith and prayers. She accomplished a one of a kind mission that transformed her life from an ordinary housewife and mother to here children into an extraordinary leader who really gave a big impact here in our country. We usually know her as the loving wife of our hero, Benigno “Ninoy” Aquino Sr. and as the mother of the TV Personality Kris Aquino and Senator Noynoy Aquino. She is no other than our beloved, our great and honorable leader who served sincerely and dedicatedly with all her heart the Filipino nation, President Corazon Cojuangco-Aquino. I was so touched as I watched all of the special coverage shown in the Philippine television pay tribute to her great service and love for the Filipino people. As a youth, I’m so proud of her. I really gave gratitude to her in my prayers for all the things that she have done here in our country. Even though I was not yet borne at the time of her administration, I always promise into myself to remember of her Excellencies and follow these with all my heart, being a true Filipino youth for the benefit of our country’s future. She was really a selfless leader who gave her full efforts in the service of the Filipino people. I’m so proud for her accomplishments and achievements that she had done in honor for our country. She has great legacies in which all of us, Filipinos, will never forget. Indeed, what I admired also to President Cory is her value of being a religious and faithful person. That’s what inspired and touched me most. In all the times of her life, God was always her source of strength and courage. She always emphasized the great essence of her faith and devotion to God. She accomplished all of her great responsibilities in the country with the help of God. Through all of the wonderful and meaningful years of her life together with her dear family, they are still one and united in spite of the trials that came to them because of her deep faith in God. Actually, she’s a patron of Our Lady of Fatima that’s why she loves the number 13 because it’s the Feast Day of Our Lady of Fatima. She’s a great instrument of God to all of us in which I will always idolize and will serve as an inspiration for me as a youth. I am so much impressed of what she had done for the country. As I noticed when I watched some of her interviews, speeches, and documentaries before, it seems that she’s still alive. It’s because the essence of what she accomplished and contributed here in the country still remains alive in the hearts and minds of every Filipino people. We all know that her famous color symbol is color Yellow which symbolizes great light that guides our country, and one of the colors also of our National Flag, particularly the stars and the sun. Her “Laban Sign” is also common to all of us with hand sign of letter “L” meaning, to continuously fight for our right to achieve what we must deserve. Songs such as “Bayan Ko” by Mr. Freddie Aguilar and “Magkaisa” by Ms. Virna Lisa really became popular during the times of People Power One that really gave meaningful interpretations about the essence of what our country strove hard for.

All of the speeches given to her during her Necrological Services really touched my heart. I really realized that she’s really the best. I realized that she’s really an honorable and sincere leader, a caring and loving mother, an encouraging and a trustworthy friend whom you can always count on, a benevolent and kind relative, a person that is so much respected for her great care and generosity, and most of all, a religious and faithful instrument of God to all of us. She’s really one good example of a role model here in our country. She showed to the Filipino people the things that she can do at service as she really strove hard at her best. And as the last day came, wherein all of us gave our farewell goodbye to her, I was struck of the solemnity of the Funeral Mass that was offered to her. Aside from that, the Filipino people really showed their great love and gratitude to the late honorable leader in spite of the cloudy and rainy weather. We really all cried here in the house as we watched and listened the entire mass in the television. We were so touched with the speech given by Ms. Kris Aquino, President Aquino’s youngest daughter. Actually, I’m Ms. Kris’ fan since before especially when she hosts game shows that left unforgettable memories in my heart. You’ll notice that as you’ll read my past blogs before as I express my support and appreciation in her game shows. We’re so touched in the way of how she gave her farewell message to her beloved mother. She really emphasized of how their loving mother supported, cared, loved, and prayed for them in all the times of their lives. She mentioned also her gratitude to each of her siblings, Balsy, Pinky, Viel and Sen. Noynoy for all the love and care they have done for their mother and for their family. She mentioned also about her husband, James, her sons Josh and Baby James. She gave gratitude also for her brother-in-laws, niece, nephews, relatives, friends and all their supporters for being together with them facing these hardest times of their lives. Through that inspiring and touching message that she gave, I’m sure that all sons and daughters will love more their dear parents so much and appreciate more the things that they are doing for us. When they carried the body of the late president and went out of the Manila Cathedral where the mass was held, she was given a warm round of applause to honor and salute her. And when the march bringing the body of the late president started to Manila Memorial Park, lots of people gathered in order to see her for the last time show their great gratitude for what she had accomplished in life that marked the history. They want to show their great gratitude to the late president. They sacrificed in the weather in order also to return all of the sacrifices that Former President Cory did for the country. Lots of confetti was showered and balloons were flown with the theme of color yellow. Lots of people shouted her nickname, Cory. Each one gave their own form of salute to give respect to our beloved late president. It seems like the procession before Ninoy, her late husband, will be brought to the final destination and essence of People Power was again repeated and brought back as we look in the similarities of the events happened. It was already around 8:00P.M. when her body reached the final destination together with the coaster where her family rode. I really felt the solemnity of the rites given in honor of her before the whole country will give a farewell goodbye to her. Joined by a good weather, it was really peaceful and earnest together. And as she is now together with her loving husband Ninoy in God’s side in heaven, her family, relatives, friends, supporters, and all of the Filipino people who became a part of her extraordinary life will really miss her so much but at the same time will continuously follow and emphasize her legacies that reunited the Filipino people.

We will really miss you and we really love you so much, Ma’am Cory. The whole country loves you so much!

May your soul rest in peace.

Thank you once again for all the great things you’ve accomplished!

(o”o) Dave Eri

Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Make a Better Place For You and For Me…

Poverty still continuously attacks to each and everyone at these present times. As an effect, each one experiences financial crisis. Others can’t fully sustain their needs because they don’t have enough money. Some can’t eat three times a day that results to hunger. Others are unemployed and can’t find a job which is supposedly their source to earn something. Some also do not have enough earnings for their living. There are also some cases of people who experience poverty because they were bankrupted. We see some street children and beggars who ask for some money or food to the people that they see. Many of our unfortunate fellows live in squatter areas or some just live and sleep beside the streets. As I reflect on these things, I really pity these people so much. How come the government can’t afford a better economy in order to lessen this kind of problem that this country is experiencing. I hope someday, as time comes, these people may somehow uplift themselves from these situations and have a better living.

We really know that Poverty is one of the most common problems that our country is facing. I’m so concerned with our fellow brothers and sisters here in the country who are undergoing this kind of problem. Others say that Corruption is one of the most common causes of this kind of crisis. Aside from this, some other causes that may lead to this are unemployment and illiteracy. I know other people strive hard in order to have earnings for their living. But sometimes this is not yet enough to sustain their needs. Others sacrifice and go abroad in order to find an opportunity for a better living for their families. I know that these issues are not yet solved by the government. Some people have their perception that they become poorer as time comes because also of the poor governance that this country is encountering. Sometimes, others refer to the size of the population. The more children in the family are, the more difficult will that family can manage the needs of each members. But others disagree on it and suggest that there will be no poverty problems when in terms to population unless the government knows how to manage a country and make it productive even there’s a high number of population.

As I ask my self, when can all of these problems be solved? When can all of the people here in this world will somehow be relieved and can recover from all of these difficult situations? I’ll always wait for the answers and solutions to arise. But I also think that the solutions to these can start in our hands. I think we must not be too much dependent to other people who can work out for this. I think we must strive hard and move on. We must lend a helping hand and share one’s help to each other. We can also have a charity wherein we can do something for the benefit of others who are in need. Based in the Bible, since before, majority of the people are poor that’s why Jesus chose also to be poor in order to help them and show his great kindness to them. I always believe that God grants us blessings in life and entrusts these to us because He knows that we will not just use it for our own but also for the sake of the people who are in need. I hope all of us can have a time to reflect on these matters. Let’s close our eyes for a while and feel how blessed are we while others are experiencing too much crisis in their lives. You can really feel conscience to this and I hope that we can perform what we must do in order to help those who are in need. Through this, I’m hoping for a brighter future here in this country and in the whole world. Someday, we can make this world free of poverty and be a better place for you, for me, and for all of us.

I hope that we can gain some realizations as we realize a lot of things here in the society.

Let’s lend a helping hand for a brighter future.

May God bless us all!

(o”o) Dave Eric

Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Security in Need!

In these times of crisis when in terms in order and unity around the country, we do really need always a tight security in our lives. Bomb scares, terror attacks, unexpected riots and wars are usually the threats to the society. Mostly people became doubtful and uneasy that may lead to chaos around the community. Through these situations, I usually ask my self, when can these scary situations subside? What are the things that people must do in order to attain peace and unity around the whole country?

A hectic security in each part of the country is very important. The government must continuously develop this in order to protect the civilians from any harm that terror attacks can bring. Also, we should be careful in the places we go in order to protect ourselves from any unexpected situations. As much as possible, we should always be at ease in any times that we undergo and feel into our self that we are always safe. Mostly, public and private places provide security guard(s) in order to ensure the safety of each and everyone and also to protect the building or other properties. At these times, I think we should avoid unknown places and as much as possible, we should always ask for a companion so that we can always feel secured wherever we go.

All of us aim for a better security in all the places that we go. Even in our home, no matter where you live, we should always ensure our securities in order to feel safe and be at ease. In going to either public or private places, we should be protective always and avoid going home late. But in these times, I hope that all of us should remember of the only thing that can give solution to these threatening problems around the society. We must always remember to unite and establish peace with one another. No matter how different we are from each other, we should always have respect to our fellows. We should always be one in promoting peace in our country and in the whole world. In promoting what we want, we should do it in a peaceful way in order for us to be secured always. And most of all, we should always pray to God and be one in giving solutions to the problems that our world is facing when in terms to security. If one can reflect from these situations that we’re facing and have dialogue with each other, I think someday we can always be at ease and feel secured always in the times of our lives. As these doubts and threats to security will someday subside and peace will be established, there is a big hope in promoting peace for the benefit of our future.

Always remember, “When dialogue begins, war ends.”

That’s all and I wish each and everyone a secured and peaceful life always! May God grant us protection always in all the times of our life! Take care always!

(o”o) Dave Eric

Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Movie Marathon

Well, well, well, this is now my third blog. I couldn’t ever imagine that I have already written thousands or may be millions of words in order to give spice and meanings to the blogs that I’m creating. But through these efforts, I so flattered that I’m appreciated. So in this introduction, I would like to thank all of the people who read and gave compliments to my blogs, especially to Ma’am Lei and my groupmates. Through these, I will be more inspired in sharing my own insights in the given topic.

Movie is a one of a kind drama. It is not just an ordinary drama similar to the novels we commonly watch in the television, but it’s an extraordinary one. Lots of expenses were gathered in order to have a production that will suit the taste of its viewers. A lot of members in the crew are working hard in order to achieve a fantastic and blockbuster production. As much as possible, award-winning, famous, attracting and appealing actors and actresses were starred in order to catch more its viewers. As the technology progresses, not only real people can be the star in the film. Sometimes, animated popular characters or even animals can also have a leading role. Mostly, it is started with trailers shown in the television or posters in the malls in order to persuade people and convince them that they will have a fruitful viewing as they support the film. These trailers sometimes contain some twists that can make people more interested and curious in order convince them more to watch the film. Also, some movies, especially the ones that became a blockbuster, sometimes come up with a sequel as its crew is inspired from the support that they’ve got from people and fans. As much as they do, they decide to give it another part to continue the success they have undergone. Yes, a movie’s popularity and charisma is very important because it is the key in order to make it a big hit.

But in spite of these, do we realize if we can get something valuable in the movies that we’re watching. Yes, you watch a movie because that’s what interests you, but do you ever think that it can lead you either learning a lot of things or giving you a bad influence? Before movies were shown to the public, it is first rated by the MTRCB according to the themes established in the film. It is always done because some movies have themes that are not suitable for young audiences like X-rated movies. A-rated movies stand out the most because themes of this kind of movie may be educational, spiritual or meaningful for family, children and the youth. I hope that as we watch movies, especially to us minors, we should always have someone who is elder to who will somehow serve as a guide in watching a film. That’s why Parental Guidance is always recommended. I hope also that we can always have our own understandings and find values to the themes of the movies that we’re watching. Even though the theme of the movie is somehow negative, we should always have the sense in distinguishing right from wrong.

According to our Humanity teacher, movie is also a form of art. It also expresses creativity and emotions through acting. It may come into different genres like drama (light or heavy), romance, comedy, horror, horror-comedy, fantasy, tragedy, action and a whole lot more. Choosing and having a theme for a movie is very important because that’s what covers it. Its theme is one way also to let you distinguish the type of movie that you’re interested to watch. No matter how different the movies are, what matters most is its form of expression and the interaction and communication it brings with other people.

Talking about me, I’m not really a moviegoer. I just love talking things about it as I share my deeper understandings into it. I just prefer on watching novels or telesersyes in the television rather than going to the movie house and watch blockbuster films. It also come up into my mind that I don’t usually watch movies because it can be shown in the television someday or I can buy my own copy of a DVD. Some reasons also that makes me afraid to watch a movie in cinemas are bomb scare and this recent Influenza A(H1N1) virus. But if watching a movie is really required or if it will be a fruitful one as I go along with my friends, I can do some. What matters for me most is that whether I watch movies in cinemas or in my house, the most important thing that is always present to me is on how it interests me, how I can relate myself into it, and the values that I can pick up from it.

Wow! I think I wrote a marathon of paragraphs which matches to the title! Hahaha! But what matters most is on how I expressed these and how you would react with it. So come and share your comments in this blog that I’ve made. You are free to express also your self about your insights in my blog. Thank you very much to all of you and may God bless us always! Take care! :-)

(o”o) Dave Eri

Friday, July 3, 2009

Mother Knows Best!

Wow! I was so struck with the story by Ben Carson and Gregg Lewis that I’ve read. That story was given to all of us in the class and was expected for us to read. At first, I was trying to get the gist of the story as I look at the title (by the way, the title of the story is, “A Mother’s Answer”), but it was hard for me to explain directly what it is all about so I started reading it. The title sounds interesting, I thought it was a story about a mother’s greatness, but I was wrong. It does not really talks about it but rather, it has a main point that all of us as sons and daughters will realize more about our dear mothers. It talks about how wonderful our moms are that even though we couldn’t understand her at first but in the end, we will realize that all of her doings is for our sake in reaching the achievements we want to have in life.

In emphasizing the given theme, I want to talk about the wonders of our dear mothers. Every Mother’s Day, I always write a blog in my Multiply site ( and express to each and everyone how lucky are we for having our own mothers. I also express my gratitude to my dear mother for all her sacrifices, concerns, support, care, and love that she continuously gives to me, as her only child. Our dear mothers are one of the two greatest and most precious gifts that God has given to all of us since the first day that we have our lives here on earth. She has a great role in nurturing us as we grow and mature. She always wants the best for us and always performs things that can lead us to the right path of our journey. She is our guide and a great companion in which we can always consult. Whatever happens, she’s always there to guide and help us in order to sustain our needs. She’s always our number one fan who always supports us in every moment of our lives. She always works hard and tries her best for the benefit of the family. Indeed, we should always have the responsibility to always love her with all our hearts. We must always learn to thank her always for all the things she offers to us. We must always respect and obey her to let her feel that the things that she’s working hard for us are appreciated whole-heartedly. As her child, we should show and let her feel these because through all of these things, she’s one of the two best persons that we should be proud of in our lives. Aside from this, let’s not forget also to give gratitude and pay tribute to our dear Mother Mary for She is our most gracious mother given to us by His son, Jesus Christ and the mother of all.

Through these, I’m so thankful to God that I’m so blessed to have my mother. I will return and show to her the love that she always have for me and cherish this with all my heart. I couldn’t ask for more because she’s always present in my life, giving light and courage whatever I may encounter. She’s my inspiration in life because through her, I know that I can be able to soar up high to reach the success that I’m waiting for in my life with the help of her encouragement, support, guidance and love that she always gives to me.

Let’s give all our dear mothers a warm round of applause!

Thanks for reading and may God bless us all!

(o”o) Dave Eric

I also want to share to all of you the blog that I created specially for our dear mothers last Mother’s Day:

Every Mother Deserves A Happy Day!
A Mother's Day Tribute (May 10, 2009)

Happy Mother’s Day to all the great Moms out there! I really thank God so much for giving us this day, a day to pay tribute for all the care and love that our dear mothers have given to us. It’s now the time to reward her by making her day very special and let her feel our great love for her. As her sons and daughters, let’s be grateful to her and make her proud for all the things she have sustain us. Let’s pay tribute to her by being our mother. No matter how simple or elegant our celebration is, what matters most is by thanking her and letting her feel that she is precious to us. Most of all let her give the love that her heart wants to feel from us. Our mothers are always there as to accompany us as we grow up. She sacrifices for our sake in order to be successful in life. She is one of the two most important gifts that God has given to us. All she wants for us is to guide us as we walk the path of our lives. She always raises us up high to reach and touch the sky. She’s one of our two secrets of success in life. Through this, we must realize of how she really loves her in spite of trials. Think that this day is wrapped in a gift in order to give her a delightful surprise, a surprise that will let her feel that she is very special to us, and a surprise that will continuously love her so much! Thank you very much my dear Mom, I love you so much! May God grant all our great Mothers good health always and more blessings to come into their lives. Aside from this, let’s not forget also to give gratitude and pay tribute to our dear Mother Mary! You’re such a wonderful and mother! Take care always! God bless!
(o”o) Dave Eric

Friday, June 19, 2009

Me? A Bookworm?

Hello everyone! I’m back giving all of you my latest blog after a long time that I did not create my blog in this site. Well, aside from this requirement in our English subject in my College life, I’m also interested to express my ideas, insights and expressions in the given topic to all of us. So come, enjoy and explore the world of my blog site!

I cannot actually say that I’m a totally bookworm. I admit that that I do not read books that much. I usually do watch television or listen music most of the time, especially free time. I just read if it’s very important or if that’s required. But of course I know that reading is very important in our lives. That’s why, that’s one of the habits that I want to implement into myself. It’s because reading has many good benefits to such students like me. Now that I’m on the new chapter of my life, reading is one of the best things that I can do in order to help me in my studies. Aside from gaining knowledge, reading can enhance and improve my mind. It can also aid to my intellectual skills.

Now in my College life, where reading is one of the very important things that we should do as a student, I must be a bookworm. Yes, I really admit, I want to be a bookworm. I want to be a bookworm not just because I need to be like this in College, but it’s because it’s one of the important things that I must learn in life. Through reading, my life can change and be better. Through reading, I can pick up so many lessons in which I can apply into my life. Most of all, through reading I can help and teach others who are also willing to learn so many things like me.

So I admit, even though I’m not really a bookworm, I still really want to be like this. It’s one that I aim in my life. Through this, I can have the key that can open the success I’ve been waiting for to come into my life.

That’s all!

Thanks and may God bless us all!

:-) Dave Eric